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Aharon Schoenbeun
₪ 1,819 Funded
₪ 1,300 Goal
Raizy Aboff
₪ 1,200 Funded
₪ 1,200 Goal
Shraga Fein
₪ 637 Funded
₪ 5,000 Goal
Yiskah Kloens
₪ 500 Funded
₪ 1,200 Goal
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NCSY Israel is the premier organization in Israel, dedicated to connect, inspire, and empower teen olim to the Land of Israel by encouraging passionate Judaism through Torah and Tradition. Since 2015, NCSY Israel has enhanced teen olim’s religious and national connection to Israel, positively impacted their attitude towards National Service, and have provided integration support to acclimate into Israeli Society. Through specially designed programming that builds and strengthens connections to Torah, Jewish and Israeli society, and the State of Israel, NCSY Israel fosters self-confidence and a sense of pride to be Israeli. As the only Israeli youth movement designed specifically for olim, NCSY Israel provides immigrant teens with the leadership skills and confidence to positively impact the State of Israel through army service, National Service, involvement in chesed and eventually building their families and careers in Israel.

Click here make a general donation to TEAM NCSY.

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